Monday, November 18, 2013

A14: Programmatic Study & Development

The following diagrams shows the how the massing interacts with the site as well as the south sky and routes of access.
The floor plan layouts are shown along with the spaces classification per floor. The section allows us to understand how important are the height of the spaces to make space appropriate.


  1. I do enjoy the form and study of the transformation of the form, but in the section I would look again at the programs. The outside curve is very important to your form, and I do not feel the elevator is best here. Also the organization of the spaces within the floors are a bit confusing: the bar, backstage, restaurant... these seem a bit strangely located in section. In plan - they are bit better, but I still feel that the theater would like to occupy the curve. Have you looked at the hirshhorn museum? Schulpture garden under with the museum raised above.
    So excited to finally see all your work.

  2. As you develop your design refer to the precedent studies. Remember the regular-shapes of the performance halls and the clear direct access routes from the entry. Also you can begin to impose geometry to organize the whole. Pick one or two pure shapes to clarify your composition. Your concept models are your source for these forms. Respond very directly to the site context and solar orientation. (I wonder why the garden can't be on the roof, or somewhere else to take advantage of light and air?) Entry should drive the first moves, then the location of the performance space. The visual corridor in your plan should go directly to the performance space; the concave shape in the grey tone looks like the way to the hall, but I can't easily make out the sequence from there. The performance hall is hard to get to and exit if its high in the building. This space is better as a ground level or second level space. Locating the hall directly relative to the entry in plan and lower in the section will help organize the other program spaces and the overall form. The lobby can be as high or higher then the performance space. In your section these two should be side by side forming a pair of big volumes, a spacial figure one can see in your drawing from ten feet away in both plan and section. The restaurant can be on the ground level near the lobby. Locate the back stage behind the performance space, so performers and technicians can get direct access to the stage. always draw the site or overall building outline in each plan so orientation is clear to you and the reviewers.
